Hello! I know I’ve been posting for a while, but I wanted to stop and take a moment to introduce myself and my photograpy. My name is Rachel, I grew up in a small tiny little town in southern Virginia, and I’m currently a student at Brigham Young University – Idaho. I’m studying visual communication, which sounds like it might have something to do with my other passion of American Sign Language, but is in fact mainly graphic design, photography, and advertising! I have an obsession with editing photos, and I absolutely LOVE golden hour portraits. I’m an old-fashioned sort of person so I love anything vintage, and I incorporate that into my photography whenever I can! I also love graphic design and I hope to share more about that in the future. There’s a little bit about me, and now let’s go on to my personal style mockup project!

I’ve worked to develop a personal style over the past few months, and while it’s still in the process, I have a good start. I enjoy photographing individuals and families, and so my personal style centers on that! This post shows a personal style mockup for a project I’ve been working on.

I’ve put together an idea for a physical portfolio that is 5×7 postcards in a vintage style book, to go in line with the creamy vintage photography vibe that I try to go for.

I don’t have my book box yet (it’s coming in the mail any day!) so I decided to do a mockup to show what it could look like with the photograph postcards in the book.

Personal Style Mockup with Book

Design & Photography by Rachel - Personal Style Mockup - Open book
Design & Photography by Rachel - Personal Style Mockup - Closed book

My postcards are here, though, so here is a spread of all of them!

Design & Photography by Rachel - Personal Style Mockup - Postcard spread

Personal Style Project Plan

This is the plan I wrote at the beginning of the semester, and I’ve had an awesome time following it! I’ve enjoyed doing photoshoots and creating edits that match my vibe. One thing that has been hard this semester is that I haven’t gotten as many golden hour lighting portraits as I wanted to, but I’ve tried my best to make up for it with editing.

Design & Photography by Rachel - Personal Style Mockup - Personal Style Plan

Fine Art Print Mockup + Favorite Photos

This is another personal style mockup of a photo I’ve ordered to be printed!

A great place to go for mockups is this website!

Design & Photography by Rachel - Personal Style Mockup - Fine Art Print mockup

And here’s a full version of that picture!

Design & Photography by Rachel - Personal Style Mockup - Golden wheat

This picture is a personal favorite from a photoshoot that really shows the creamy vintage vibe I try to achieve in my photography.

Design & Photography by Rachel - Personal Style Mockup - Personal style golden wedding

If you want some creamy, golden photos by someone who is passionate about photography and will edit your pictures to near-perfection, you’ve found the right person. Contact me today and schedule a session!

See pricing information here.